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Gallery Notes
For the last few years, I have started to document photographically Swiss romanesque churches. These images were taken with a film camera (a medium format Rollei SL66 or Ebony 4x5" view camera) and are available in both limited edition silver gelatin prints on fiber base paper (contact me for pricing) or archival inkjet prints (click to view the price list). Unfortunately, these low resolution images do not even begin to do justice to the amazing texture of these old stones. Please click here to see a higher resolution image of the crypt of St-Mauritius Church (Amsoldingen, 11th century).

Specific information on these images
North side of crypt and ladder to the campanile, San Nicola, Giornico (c. 1120)
Nave and south aisle, Abbey Church of Payerne (early 11th century)
Santa Maria del Castello, Giornico (12th century)
Holy water font, Santa Maria del Castello, Giornico
View into the crypt from the south side of the nave, San Nicola, Giornico    
View of the north nave (early 11th century) from choir, Sant’Ambrogio Vecchio, Prugiasco-Negrentino )
Overview of nave, side aisles and choir, SS. Pietro e Paolo, Biasca (c. 1100)
Ceiling, SS. Pietro e Paolo, Biasca (c. 1100)
Altar in crypt, San Nicola, Giornico (c. 1120)
Nave and south apse, Santa Maria del Castello, Giornico (12th century)