Photography Equipment
For the last 2 years, I have used a Canon 5D digital SLR for 95% of my work. In the past, I have used a host of different film cameras, ranging from 35mm Contax SLRs and rangefinders, a Nikon Nikonos V (for my underwater images), a 24x72mm Widelux panoramic camera, medium format cameras (Rollei SL66 SLR, shown here on the left with a 40mm lens, and Fujifilm GA645zi rangefinder), and a few large format view cameras (4x5" Ebony, 5x7 Burke and James, 8x10 Deardorff).
I print most of my images in my own studio, up to 20x24" black and white fiber prints in my darkroom, and up to 17x50" inkjet prints with a Canon IPF5000 archival pigment ink printer. I also print myself color images up to 30x40 on C-type paper at the New England School of Photography. For larger images, I use digital lab services.
Please contact me if you want to know more about how specific images were shot.